(13-15 September 2013)






            The Associazione culturale “L’Orfeo” of Spoleto will organize the 4th “Albert Dunning” International Organ Competition, named after the Dutch musicologist (d. 2005) who dedicated his professional life in Italy to promoting European Baroque music.


1)      The competition will take place 13-15 September 2013 in “Chiesa di S. Francesco”, Trevi (PG), Italy.

2)      Candidates must be under the age of 40 on 31 August 2013, and can be of any nationality.



3)      The Associazione culturale “L’Orfeo” of Spoleto (address: Ufficio postale Spoleto centro - casella postale n. 62, 06049 Spoleto, PG - Italy) should receive the following documents from the candidates by 2 September 2013:

-  a completed application form;

-  a brief bio (about 10-15 lines) in Italian or English;

-  a copy of the application fee receipt (€50.00: “Quota associativa 2013 - Iscrizione al Concorso d’organo”);

-  a copy of both sides of the ID card (for Italian citizens), or of the passport page containing personal data (for others);

-  a list of the chosen excerpts to be performed during both the rounds (preliminary and final phases).

4)      Candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee of €50.00 (fifty/00) to the Associazione culturale “L’Orfeo” of Spoleto (exclusive of banking expenses), as follows:

-  deposit to bank account c/o Banca Popolare di Spoleto - San Venanzo (via San Benedetto, 06049 Spoleto, PG - Italia). Italian bank details: CIN-IT: P - ABI: 05704 - CAB: 21803 - account number: 000000014303. International bank details: IBAN: IT37 P057 0421 8030 0000 0014 303 - BIC: BPSPIT3S. Deposit description: “Quota associativa 2013 - Iscrizione al Concorso d’organo”.

5)      All candidates must accept the competition regulations.


Description of the competition:

6)      The competition will consist of two sessions:

(a)  Preliminary Phase: performance of the Toccata II (after Toccate, Libro I, 1598) by Claudio Merulo (1533-1604);

(b)  Final Round: performance of a program of between 20 and 30 minutes, freely chosen by the candidate. This program should include several compositions by different authors. This program may NOT include the piece performed during the eliminatory phase.

7)      The schedule of the competition and the rehearsal times will be made by the organizers of the competition, according to the number of participants.

8)      Candidates must present proof of identification to the jury prior to their performance. Each candidate is required to provide two copies of the excerpts to be performed.

9)      Each candidate may designate not more than one assistant / page turner (at his/her own expense).



10)  The winner of the Absolute 1st Prize (score of 100/100) will play two concerts: one during the XXII Concert Season (2014) of the Associazione culturaleL’Orfeo” of Spoleto; one in Mexico, during an important International Organ Festival (2014). The expenses for the flight (round-trip) will be covered by the Associazione culturale “L’Orfeo” of Spoleto up to a maximum of €800.00.

11)  The Absolute 1st Prize will be awarded to only one candidate.

12)  The first-prize winners (score of 95-99/100), second-prize winners (score of 90-94/100), and third-prize winners (score of 85-89/100) will receive an honorary diploma.

13)  All candidates qualifying for the final round will receive a certificate of honorable mention.

14)  All other participants will receive a participation certificate.



15)  The jury, nominated by the Associazione culturale “L’Orfeo” of Spoleto, will consist of an odd number of judges (at least three).

16)  The members of the jury will not be allowed to assist the candidates during their performance.

17)  The jury’s verdicts may not be appealed.


Description of the organ (1509) at “Chiesa di San Francesco”, Trevi (PG):

Pipe Organ built in 1509 by Paolo Pietro di Paolo da Montefalco. One manual (45 keys: C-c''') with first short octave, and pedal board (8 keys: C-B). Stop list: (a) first column (16th century stops): Principale, Ottava, Flauto in Ottava, Quintadecima, Decimanona, Vigesimaseconda, Vigesimasesta; (b) second column [draw knobs] (16th/17th century Fedeli added stops): Voce umana, Cornetta, Flauto in Duodecima. Meantone temperament.


Competition Office:

Associazione culturale “L’Orfeo” di Spoleto (www.orfeoweb.com)

For further information please contact: Ing. Paolo Conti (paolo.conti@organisti.it)




Print the Application form






The winners of the 4th edition (2013):


Absolute 1st Prize: unassigned

First prize: Leonardo Carrieri

Prize Concert:

XXIInd Concert Season of the Associazione culturaleL’Orfeo” of Spoleto


Second prize: Ekaterina Likhina

Third prize: unassigned





The winners of the 3rd edition (2011):


Absolute 1st Prize: unassigned

First prize: Michele D’Agostino

Prize Concert:

Sunday 5 August 2012, Trevi, Chiesa di S. Francesco

XXth Concert Season of the Associazione culturaleL’Orfeo” of Spoleto


Second prize: unassigned

Third prize: unassigned





The winners of the 2nd edition (2009):


Absolute 1st Prize: unassigned

First prize: Roberto Velasco

Prize Concert:

Sunday 1 August 2010, Spoleto, Chiesa di S. Gregorio maggiore

XVIIIth Concert Season of the Associazione culturaleL’Orfeo” of Spoleto


Second prize: unassigned

Third prize: Filippo Mariottini





The winners of the 1st edition (2007):


Absolute 1st Prize: Sossio Capasso

Prize Concerts:

Sunday 11 May 2008, Guanajuato, Gto., Messico, Templo de San Cayetano en Valenciana

XIth Festival Internacional de Órgano “Guillermo Pinto Reyes”

Sunday 17 August 2008, Spoleto, Pieve romanica di San Brizio

XVIth Concert Season of the Associazione culturale “L’Orfeo” of Spoleto


First prize: Luca Pollastri

Second prize: unassigned

Third prize: Stefano Baldelli





(English version by Roberto Paolo Papi)